So, dear readers, after too many late nights, business cards, calories, and cocktails to count, this issue marks tablehopper's two-year anniversary! I know, crazy—it's been a blast. So of course I have to do a giveaway to honor the occasion, and all prizes have a tablehoppin' theme. Three lucky winners get to take their pick of these goodies: one is the book "Trail of Crumbs: Hunger Love, and the Search for Home" by Kim Sunée, a memoir and food adventure that weaves a trinity of topics (cooking, traveling and eating!), with recipes, too.
Another prize is a copy of the 2008 Green Zebra coupon book—do you know it? I used mine last year for all kinds of things, from a discount on shopping at Rainbow, to a bath at the Kabuki, to dinner at Green Chile Kitchen. This year there are three editions (SF, Marin, and Peninsula) so the winner gets to take their pick. And if you choose to buy one right now (for $25), I gotta say it pays for itself pretty quickly. I even got a free groovy LED nightlight from PG&E with it!
The last prize is a deck of the crowd-pleasing CozmoCards! I just got my 2008 deck, and was happy to see restaurants like Café Claude, Foreign Cinema, and Metro Kathmandu in there—52 in all. (With a CozmoCard, spend $50, and you get $15 off your bill.) So I have one deck to give away, but if you want to order a set right now, tablehopper readers get 10% off the $30 price—just type "tablehopper" into the order form for the discount! Presto!
To enter the drawing, one, you have to be a tablehopper subscriber, and two, you have to forward this week's newsletter to just three people (or send it to thousands, go nuts) in order to be eligible to win. Just cc luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com when you forward the newsletter to your peeps (it's best if you explain why you're sending it to them). I promise I won't be collecting your friends' emails, those will stay private—I just need to keep track of how many folks you forwarded it to.
The deadline to enter is by midnight, this Sunday, February 24. I will be randomly drawing the winners and will email you to let you know you've won next week. Good luck!
Speaking of Sunday the 24th, I am excited to be a guest on the radio show "A Matter of Taste," which started in New York in 1992! The show is broadcast from 4pm–6pm, and is on "Green960" KKGN-AM (formerly "The Quake"). Have a listen before watching the Oscars!
And hey, I thank you all so much for your enthusiasm and support these past two years—I couldn't do it without you!
~ Marcia
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