Ok, these are the final final entries in the Hi Helens category, thank you readers! Bubbie’s (Yiddish for grandma) Arms, Frumpster or Frumpy Flaps, let’s not forget the Bingo Wave, and my friend and I have always called them "Ciao Elenas" (the Italian version of Hi Helens, which is what happens to your arms after traveling and eating too much in Italy).
And now, a big thanks to chef Charlie Kleinman for his past three jetsetter entries, documenting his hoppings around Montreal, New York, Buffalo, and other easterly cities—I appreciate the foie and fried chicken wing consumption on my behalf. This week we have another guest writer: H from Elixir is back, with a new piece in the wino.
It wouldn’t be the holidays without a fun tablehopper giveaway! I have a variety of treats, so if you’re a winner, you get to take your pick! Here are the prizes:
A signed copy of Jonathan Waxman’s new cookbook, A Great American Cook: Recipes from the Home Kitchen of One of Our Most Influential Chefs.
I am giving away three copies of the awesome new book, Imbibe!: From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to "Professor" Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar, by David Wondrich. (Check out his two punch recipes below in this week’s chatterbox.)
A pair of hip t-shirts from Upper Playground (a local chef favorite place to shop). For the boys we have a size medium taco truck shirt and for the ladies, a size medium sushi shirt. (Can you believe it, it’s not an extra large! Ladies, you know exactly what I’m saying.)
To enter the drawing, one, you have to be a tablehopper subscriber, and two, you have to forward this week’s newsletter to five folks (or more is great, you overachiever you) in order to be eligible to win. Just cc luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com when you forward the newsletter to your pals (it’s best if you explain why you’re sending it to them). No, I won’t be collecting your friends’ emails, those will stay private—I just need to keep track of how many folks you forwarded it to. The deadline to enter is by midnight, Sunday, December 16. I will be randomly drawing the winners and will email you to let you know you’ve won next week. The first winner gets first pick of the prizes, and so on. I hope you get lucky.
I also put together a list of the tablehopper’s top ten holiday gift ideas—check it out in the chatterbox.
In closing, as I learned from someone this week:
Happy merry!
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