Hello friends. So as you may recall, I’m not even in SF right now, but out rocking it hard on the playa at Burning Man. Woot woot! Since Burning Man is inspiring a giving mood in me, here’s a little something I scheduled to be sent to you while I’m gone. (In case you’re wondering, I’m not back until Tuesday, September 4.)
Yay! Let’s do a giveaway! My pal Bibby over at Parties That Cook! has generously donated five decks of her Sumptuous Small Plates deck of recipe cards for me to give out to five lucky winners! The deck has 30 recipes that are perfecto for when you’re throwing a soiree, and make a groovy gift for the hosts/hostesses in your life. Here’s how to enter: just forward the tablehopper e-column to three friends, and be sure to cc luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com. (I won’t use the email addresses for anything but to verify that you forwarded it to three pals!) The deadline to enter is Monday, September 3, at 11:59pm, and you must be a tablehopper subscriber to enter. I’ll notify the five winners later that week! Have fun, and good luck!
A few of you have wondered how I manage to eat out something like six times a week (and drink almost as much), and not be totally be sporting a Jabba the Hutt physique. I have my bicycle (“Peach 1”) and all these San Francisco hills to thank, and that thing called “portion control” is helpful, although it sometimes completely slips my mind. (Oops.) Even so, the weight has been creeping on, and it’s time to get it under control and say sayonara, love handles! So when I return from Burning Man, I am starting a six-week fitness camp with Titan Fitness, and will be recording my (hopeful) progress in a new section called “the health nut” in each week’s ‘hopper. I hope you enjoy the tale of the tablehopper getting in shape!
If you want to know more about the program and maybe want to run stairs with me, it’s designed and instructed by Jeremy B. Manning, a US Army Veteran and Advanced Specialist with the National Academy of Sports Medicine, and Patrick Barresi, a professor at City College with a Masters in Public Health and a Certified Personal Trainer from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Each session is one hour, meeting between two and four times a week at Kezar Stadium, depending on what level you enroll in. And yay, no 6am call times! How civilized.
The first session begins on Tuesday, September 4, at 6pm, and runs through October 13. If you are interested in checking it out, and possibly enrolling, email Jeremy (jeremy [at] sftitans [dot] com) for rates and more info. All are welcome, but they want to especially welcome the GLBTT community. Who knows, maybe I’ll be the token straight girl! (In this town, trust, I’m quite used to it.) Also, there is a discount/sliding scale for those who are HIV+, low income (hello poor freelancers!), disabled, or disadvantaged. Cool.
Okay, here are a couple more tidbits below… and thanks to Pete at Green Apple Books, we have a bookworm for you this week!
Dustily yours,
Table of Contents

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