Okay, not to rub it in for you folks who couldn’t make it to the first tablehopper supper, but boy, that was one heck of an enjoyable evening at Cortez. What an enthusiastic and savvy group of diners! We feasted. We talked. We made new friends. It was a total gourmand salon. In fact, folks started passing around a list of their two favorite local restaurants (oh, how to choose?). If you want to see what made the list, check it out here. One of the guests is also a Yelper, you can read his impression of the supper here. I will definitely be hosting another in the near future—watch for more details soon!
I wanted to wish you fellow paisani a “Buon Ferragosto” this Wednesday! It’s almost like national picnic day in Italy, with everyone heading to the hills or the beach to eat and drink with family and friends. My kind of holiday.
Ciao for now (and of course, meow),
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