Hiya—last night I had fun as a guest on Talk Show Live, and it was nice to see some tablehopper readers in the audience (thanks for coming!). But I did lose about four hours of my usual writing time, so I’m bailing on writing a review this week, sorry Charlie. I hope you enjoy reading about lambrusco in the wino instead.
Speaking of bailing, I am actually leaving town this afternoon, and am off to Lake Tahoe for my annual break—looking very forward to five days of brown rice, vegetables, and minimal email. How hippie, I know. I can’t wait. So pretty please no chitchat emails or questions for a week unless it’s necessary, time-sensitive, or juicy gossip, cool? I will only be working in the mornings and can’t deal with my usual 200 emails a day up there. My body and brain both need a break. I’m sure you understand. Grazie.
I hope to get a bunch of reading done this week, and how timely, a review copy of the new A16 Food + Wine book from Ten Speed Press just showed up in the mail today! It’s gorgeous. I’ll have to try not to break my brown rice diet for meatballs. You’ll be reading all about this book in the bookworm soon enough, but just so you don’t feel left out on some fun book action, I am starting a monthly “back to school book giveaway,” courtesy of the folks at Chronicle Books. This month, three lucky winners will score a copy of Grill Every Day by Diane Morgan, stashed in a nifty new Chronicle tote bag! Sweet.
To enter to win, just forward the tablehopper newsletter to one friend, telling them why they would dig a subscription to tablehopper, and CC or BCC luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com so I know you sent it (I promise not to use anyone’s email address). Deadline to enter is midnight on Sunday August 17th. I’ll let you know next week if you are the proud owner of a book and tote. Good luck!
Oh, and I was kindly invited by my bud Evan Goldstein over at Wine Couch to come in for the first of a series of online video segments—we will be featuring some of our favorite local restaurants, discussing their wine program, and a few other things we like. You can check out episode number one on Nopa here. Yes, it’s probably one of the few times I’ve actually spit wine. Kidding. (Kind of.)
Okay, I am off! In a few hours I’ll be picking up some peaches at Ikeda's and Machado Orchards in Auburn, and tomorrow, a bracing dip in the lake!
Cheers my dears,
~ Marcia (rhymes with garcia)
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