Well, is the joke on you, or is the joke on me? Last week, in my April 1st issue, I said it was my last tablehopper, but revealed it was an April Fool’s Day joke in the end of the first paragraph. So no, I’m not going anywhere just yet. But thank you all for the 150-plus emails of concern, kindness, support, and inquiries of “what the hell?” I even got a condolence card in the mail. Awwww.
So the larger question is this: if you’re not making it past the fifth sentence of my petite tomes (would you pay more attention if they were tommes?), why am I even writing this thing? Ha ha! But seriously, you skimmers, look for shorter columns, starting today! Yeah, right. Well, I will try.
Now that we have my faux retirement (I’m going to start bolding more) out of the way, how apropos, let’s celebrate with a humor-related giveaway. Coming up on Friday, April 25th is Comedy for Kids, a big-ticket comedy event hosted by Dana Carvey (choppin’ broccoli!) and friends, preceded by a cocktail reception and a celebrity chef dinner with Daniel DeLong and Margaret Grade, the chef/owners of Manka’s Lodge, plus Gordon Drysdale, and Elizabeth Falkner (Orson, Citizen Cake), and hosted by Joey Altman. There is also an after-party with Joey Altman's band and great food tables from Miette, little laura's sweets, Umbria, and an open bar with specialty cocktails. Pretty swell, no? It’s a huge fundraiser for kids with autism.
I am giving away a pair of tickets to the dinner and comedy show (worth $1,000 each, uh huh!)—just forward this newsletter to three pals (or more, thanks!) and cc luckyme [at] tablehopper [dot] com when you send it to your peeps—it's best if you explain why you're emailing it to them, and what tablehopper is. I promise I won't be collecting your friends' emails, those will stay private—I just need to keep track that you forwarded it to three or more folks. The deadline to enter is by midnight, Friday, April 11. I will be randomly drawing the winner and will email you to let you know you've won. Good luck!
And now, let’s hop to it,
~ Marcia
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