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Jan 14, 2013 1 min read

This week's tablehopper: let's do this.

This week's tablehopper: let's do this.
Pig’s head, Brussels sprouts, grapefruit, mint, and peanuts at a Liholiho Yacht Club dinner. Photo: ©
Table of Contents

Oh jeez, it’s tough to be back after not writing up the news for three weeks. Yup, today’s issue is a biggie—I had a lot of backstories to cover (forgive me if it’s old news for some of you food news fiends). Otherwise, you can cozy on up with a blanket, some hot chocolate, and enjoy. I’m just excited to finally be feeling at about 80 percent of my usual self after two weeks with this goddamned flu. I also think I’m finally ready for a glass of wine. Yup, I definitely am.

A few things to catch up on: have you watched an episode of The Big Dish on Sunday nights on KOFY with Clark Wolf? It’s a home cook reality competition, and I had a good time judging on a recent episode, check it out here.

I also wrote a piece last week for on some of the city’s best spots for solo diners. There ended up being so much feedback about it that I was inspired to create a guide on solo dining for Citysearch, which features 21 locations. (You can also see my guide on my favorite pizza places in San Francisco.)

All righty then, let’s dive in here. Marcia Gagliardi

Pig’s head, Brussels sprouts, grapefruit, mint, and peanuts at a Liholiho Yacht Club dinner. Photo: © tablehopper Newsletter from Tuesday, Jan 15 2013

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