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Nov 30, 2009 2 min read

This week's tablehopper: House Party

This week's tablehopper: House Party
Table of Contents

Hey gang, sorry I disappeared last week—I literally bit off more than I could chew. (And no, I’m not talking about Thanksgiving.) After 188 newsletters, and close to four years of saluting your inbox every Tuesday afternoon (well, almost, heh), it was time for tablehopper to move into a new house! Nope, the studio apartment just wasn’t cutting it anymore. I’m pretty darned excited with the new digs, but what the HELL was I thinking trying to finish a book and launch a website within one week of each other? I know, my projects are trying to bury me. Eep.

So, like a brand-new house, I haven’t finished unpacking all the boxes, and I will probably move a couch here and be adding pictures there. And there will definitely be a few cranky links, weird formatting, or other little oddities. I also didn’t have my usual workflow or proofreading for this week’s issue, so if you catch some errors, you go, eagle eye. Thanks for bearing with me during the move-in! The goal was to update the newsletter’s style, and make the website content more navigable, update-able, and current, so I hope you like it. Have fun checking it out. Many grazie to Noise 13 for the faboo design, and Beau Smith of Strangecode Internet Consultancy for making this beast happen. Talk about a dream team.

The idea of getting back to my “normal” life is certainly enticing, but I have one more hurdle to cross. Not to divulge all the personal details of my life, but I figured I should let you in on this one since I’m going to be MIA for a little bit more. Since you’re reading this on a Tuesday, yesterday I had some surgery I’ve been putting off (needed to get my book wrapped up first!), so I’ll be off-radar as I’m healing up at at the hospital and then my parents’ house in San Mateo over the next week. (So weird to launch a new site when you’re not around, right? Oh, the wonders of the internet.) I should be able to come back to my apartment in SF soon, but not sure how mobile I’ll be over the next few weeks (TBD on that part). Yup, the tablehopper has to pull it on over—I’m on house arrest.

I did have a nice field trip before my lockdown: the annual luncheon at McEvoy Ranch in the olive groves—such a lovely shared experience, a party that totally warms my heart each year. And I am happily pouring olio nuovo on everything I can right now. You too can pick some up at their open house party this Sunday the 6th from 11am—5pm; check their site for info and RSVPing.

Thanks for all your support these past 188 issues, and I’ll have another issue for you next week, oh you know it.

Peace, love, and painkillers,

Marcia Gagliardi

View tablehopper Newsletter from Tuesday, Dec  1 2009

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