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May 24, 2010 1 min read

This week's tablehopper: hopper hell (part one).

This week's tablehopper: hopper hell (part one).
Cupcakes from Pinkie’s Bakery.
Table of Contents

Well, if this isn’t the nicest May ever. Ahem. Excuse me while I try to warm up with another bowl of soup. Are we still going to be in sweaters on Memorial Day? [Grumble.] I’m just going to pretend this means we’ll have an extra-fabulous September. The weather has actually been the lesser of my concerns: last week it was all about the vice on my head. Fortunately my %$#& headache has lifted, so I don’t feel like getting into a fight with everyone on the street (suffering four days of caffeine withdrawal is a mother trucker, and there’s no way around it—just had to move through it).

Fortunately I’ll be more perky than pissy for this Thursday’s reading at Books Inc. Castro on Market—details are here! I’m also going to experience my first attempt at drinking by proxy: I’m going to a preview of Sex and the City 2 on Wednesday, and am forcing my guest to taste all the SKYY cocktails on my behalf (I know, poor baby—but there are five drinks in all, so he’s got his work cut out for him. We all know who the designated driver is.) Heck, the true test was making it through a day of bottling wine with my family on Sunday without drinking any—and I was covered in juice (guess who was the bottle filler?). Wine, wine everywhere, and nary a drop to drink! Fie!

Actually, the biggest test (nope, not a taste test) was my table where I was selling my books at the Appel and Frank shopping event last week—what was I thinking piling the table with the incomparable cupcakes and cookies from Pinkie’s Bakery? Insanity, I tell you. I wish I could tell you how delicious these strawberry vanilla cupcakes were, but I can’t. But they sure smelled good. Pant pant.

One week down, two to go.

Marcia Gagliardi

Cupcakes from Pinkie’s Bakery.View tablehopper Newsletter from Tuesday, May 25 2010

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