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Jun 2, 2011 1 min read

This week's tablehopper: deliverance.

This week's tablehopper: deliverance.
Namadako sunomono: seaweed, cucumber, and octopus (complete with torch-seared suckers!) in a yuzu kosho dressing at Sebo.
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How wrong: I was supposed to be spending the weekend inner-tubing on Cache Creek and camping, but the rainy forecast sadly made me change my plans. I’ve had a rough week, and reenacting a campsite at the Glastonbury Festival (without the music) wasn’t really in my cards. At all. Plan B now involves sleeping indoors, thankyouverymuch.

Since we’re queued up for a weekend of crap weather, I thought it would be a good time to highlight a few of my favorite off-the-radar delivery options, especially since Mission Chinese Food is closed for most of the month, so no dice there. In case you feel like staying in, watching a movie, and not trying to concoct a mystery dish out of your barren fridge, I’ve got you covered.

Keep dry, well-fed (don’t forget there’s the COCHON 555 event on Sunday—and it’s indoors!), and if you’re in the mood for getting tipsy, there’s the new Churchill to check out, and starting today, both Mijita locations are offering $5 margaritas all day long on Fridays (except on game days at the ballpark location) throughout the summer. Or should I say “summer.”


Marcia Gagliardi

Namadako sunomono: seaweed, cucumber, and octopus (complete with torch-seared suckers!) in a yuzu kosho dressing at Sebo.View tablehopper Newsletter from Friday, Jun  3 2011

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