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Sep 18, 2018 1 min read

Coming Soon: Prairie, Harborview Moving Into Crystal Jade Location

Coming Soon: Prairie, Harborview Moving Into Crystal Jade Location
A sneak peek at some fixtures and tableware at Prairie. Instagram photo via @anthonystrong.
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Just a couple quick updates here: first, Anthony Strong’s new Mission restaurant, PRAIRIE is targeting early October for the opening. Dishes on the “new school” Italian menu include: pane distrutto (giant, torn pieces of olive oil-toasted bread soaked in Early Girl tomato pulp, just like crunchy-juicy toast of a BLT), tagliatelle with cutting board ragù (which uses the juice and fat from a whole roasted chicken), and coal-roasted eggplant with umeboshi and Gaeta olives. Ready for all of this. And the highballs. Read more in my original piece here. 3431 19th St. at Mission.

Taking over the massive Crystal Jade location at Four Embarcadero Center will be HARBORVIEW RESTAURANT & BAR, a Cantonese restaurant. According to a post on Hoodline, they’re aiming for a late November opening. Drumm St. at Sacramento.

A sneak peek at some fixtures and tableware at Prairie. Instagram photo via @anthonystrong.

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