An old-fashioned ice cream and sweet shop is coming to the Dogpatch called ~MR. AND MRS. MISCELLANEOUS~. It’s moving into a former sandwich spot that is now gutted, just across the street from Serpentine. And although the shop is quirkily named, it will actually feature eight classic flavors at a time (but a few will have a twist). The small-batch ice cream will be made with organic, seasonal, and local ingredients, and there will also be hot fudge sundaes, banana splits, ice cream cakes, fudgesicles, pudding pops, root beer floats, and homemade toppings like butterscotch, hard sauce, pineapple, sour cherry, strawberry, and toasted marshmallow. Just imagine the treats you loved as a kid, without any fake stuff in them. The sweet part of the shop will offer house-made brittle, toffee, caramels, nougat, pâtes de fruits, marshmallow, divinity, and gianduja. There will be around 20 seats, and coffee will also be served. Annabelle Topacio and Ian Flores, the couple behind the project, both have a pastry background, working at places like Spago and CUT in Los Angeles, and locally, at Postrio and Brick Maiden Breads in Pt. Reyes. They hope to open in March, with tentative hours from 11am-8pm, and staying open until 10pm on the weekends.
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