File this one under the smart moves category: ~LIHOLIHO YACHT CLUB~ has decided to temporarily move from their Sutter Street location to the group’s 18th Street property (previously Dear Inga, and formerly Farina). It means they can take advantage of the location’s outdoor seating (which includes the fab upstairs terrace!), and Sutter Street can get a light remodel in the meantime. Liholiho will open on Wednesday April 14th for takeout and delivery only (many cult favorites will no longer be available, so get ready to adjust to a new menu), and their plan is to eventually add outdoor seating (with reservations) beginning on Wednesday April 28th. A year later, it’s going to feel so good. 3560 18th St. at Dearborn.
I was very excited to see this post from MENSHO TOKYO SF that they were reopening as “URA MENSHO, a secret temporary pop-up Ramen restaurant.” They are currently serving toripaitan, vegan tantanmen, and vegan mazesoba (here is the menu). Welcome back! Indoor seating only—a post from @ramen_beast shows some table dividers. Hours are Wed-Sun 5pm-9pm. (They also recently opened in New Delhi!) 672 Geary St. at Leavenworth.
We all love a good comeback story! After closing in the Mission last August (after 10 years of business!), ~PICA PICA AREPA KITCHEN~ is back! Eater reports: “Owner Adriana López Vermut found a new operating partner and was able to rehire eight of the previous 14 employees and unlock the doors once more.” Incredible! Come on by for some Venezuelan (and gluten-free!) arepas and welcome them back. Open Sun-Thu 11am-8pm, Fri-Sat 11am-9pm. 401 Valencia St. at 15th St.
After a year of delays (and a pandemic), Tartine Bakery’s workers have unionized! Via [Mission Local]
Those of you who follow me on Instagram know all about the awesomeness that is chef Anthony Strong’s SuperStella van, and this ultimate in stylin’ private dining-meets-glamping experience is now at the San Francisco Ferry Building, parked on the back plaza. You get to have one of the best views in the City while you tuck into your multi-course menu, which includes peak seasonal ingredients, tasty tidbits from the charcoal grill, and beverage pairings. Private parties of up to four guests can enjoy a unique culinary experience, from dinner to a full evening. Stella’s “glamping” menu is available for $110 per guest for up to four guests, plus a site/travel fee of $120 on weekdays and $150 Fri-Sat. Beverage pairings are offered for an additional $50 per guest. Available Tue-Sat, beginning April 19th. Seatings available at 5:15pm and 7:30pm. (You should also read this SFGATE article about Anthony’s multiple pandemic pivots at Prairie and now with SuperStella.)
I’m a big fan of the LIMONCELLO sandwich shop in Pacific Heights (owner Jalal Heydari is Mr. Customer Service!) and he will be opening a second sandwich shop and Italian grocery on the corner of 24th St. and Bryant, hopefully by May. [Via Eater]
Exterior of Dear Inga on 18th Street. Photo via Yelp, courtesy of Dear Inga.