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Dec 7, 2010 1 min read

Upcoming Labs at Local Mission Eatery

Upcoming Labs at Local Mission Eatery
Local Mission Eatery dining room. Photo: ©
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A couple new “labs” are coming up with ~LOCAL MISSION EATERY~: first, Jesse Friedman of Beer and Nosh and Old Oak Beer is going to lead a Holiday Beer Tasting on Sunday December 12th. You will taste a selection of local, holiday beers, including Anchor Xmas Ale, He’Brew Jewbelation, Sierra Nevada Celebration, among others. There will be plenty of deliciousness for you to eat and drink—read more about the event here. 5pm-7pm; $40. Register here.

And then on Sunday December 19th, Socola Chocolatier co-founders (and Mission residents) Wendy and Susan Lieu will be hosting a hands-on Chocolate Truffle Lab. This lab will explore the art of making chocolate truffles: how to make the ganache, temper the chocolate, dip, and garnish them. Everyone takes home the skills to make chocolates (and a box of chocolates!). $50. Register here.

Local Mission Eatery dining room. Photo: ©

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