This new café slipped by my radar: after months (years?) of being in the works, RANCHO PARNASSUS has joined Passion Café and Split Pea Seduction in putting a stake in the 6th Street corridor. This project, brought to light with the assistance of Urban Solutions, is a “creativity café,” meant to stimulate and encourage people to work on art projects (even together), and show them at the café. Their website states, “Our open kitchen will focus on doing a few things well—excellent coffee, offbeat beers, really good wine, good grub and comfort food favorites—simply served and affordably priced.” Katy St. Clair’s Bouncer column mentions, “It had a National Parks-mod ’60s-fern bar thing going on. The walls were painted a darkish blue and the floor had a green pattern, and there was enough rustic wood around to lend a cabin feel to the room… The Rancho had a selection of wines and a bunch of beer, but is also a coffeehouse and cafe. All I saw, however, was the beer, which I thought was a brilliant move, considering that the only nearby booze competition comes from a few scattered corner stores and Anu.” Unfortunately no one picks up the phone and their voicemail is full, so I couldn’t confirm more details like hours, menu items, beer list, etc. Looks like a check-it-out is in order. 132 6th St. at Minna, 415-503-0700.
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