A report by Daniel Azarkman, tablehopper intern: Soon enough there will be consolation for the fact that we don’t live in Spain, and most of it will come in cans, jars, or bottles. Last Thursday, San Francisco’s Bently Reserve hosted the SPANISH WINE CELLAR & PANTRY, a tradeshow for all things edible, importable, and Spanish. Most of the purveyors were there to find a retail distributor, which brings hope for their goods appearing on American shelves sometime soon. While it would have been impossible to try all the wines offered and still leave on two feet, I found the smaller food section a lot more navigable. Knee-weakening highlights included seared pieces of uncured Ibérico de Bellota pork, top-shelf canned seafood from the frigid waters of Galicia, and bread baked from a uniquely flavorful wheat grown around Seville. You can view photos of the event, along with many more details, here.
Uncured Ibérico de Bellota pork from Ibérico Fresco. Photo by Daniel Azarkman.