Plenty of folks in the city have been wondering when and where they were going to be able to get their next Joe’s Special, and the answer is: North Beach in October. Rumors I heard a while back proved to be true: ORIGINAL JOE’S will be moving into the Joe DiMaggio’s space on Washington Square Park, which was previously the location for Fior d’Italia for 50 years. (Wow, that makes three new businesses coming to the Square: the Marlowe ladies with Park Tavern, and Bottle Cap in the old Washbag.)
While it’s a shame the fire-ravaged location at 144 Taylor Street won’t reopen (it featured the city’s longest-running mesquite broiler, mind you), the new location will certainly draw more diners. (I’m not even gonna go into the details of what happened to me on Taylor Street the last time I dined at OJ’s—a Tenderloin groping, which is really, truly way up there on the wrong scale.) The fire was back in October 2007—crazy, it’s been a long time—and the Scoop reports the Duggan family hopes to reopen on the anniversary of the fire: October 12th, to be exact. And yes, the beloved booths will reportedly be reupholstered and brought over. Also mentioned: “an exhibition kitchen line—that Original Joe’s signature—will be built.” Congrats to the Duggan family for finding a new home for OJ’s. 601 Union St. at Stockton.
Flickr photo from Thomas Hawk.