Across the Bay, chef-owner Nite Yun has announced the end of her five-year lease for NYUM BAI, and her decision to quietly close her deeply personal Cambodian restaurant in Fruitvale. There will be a farewell event soon, and she is planning to reopen in a new location—the ‘60’s Khmer rock will play on.
Fans of JOHNNY DOUGHNUTS will be sorry to learn they recently closed their Hayes Valley location, but there’s some good news in this mention: “We are in the process of finalizing our lease for the new location and will share the news with you very soon. While we transition to our new SF neighborhood you can find us every Friday evening at Off the Grid at Fort Mason Center.” Their Marin Country Mart location remains open. Stand by for details soon, and it sounds like there will be a new limited edition flavor, depending upon who wins this flavor nomination contest (you have until May 20th to enter), and the winner will receive a free dozen doughnuts every month for a year. Dangerous!
Noe Valley Voice reported owner Charles Kung of 24TH STREET CHEESE COMPANY is putting the business up for sale, after more than 36 years of business. All inventory is currently 30 percent off. 3893 24th St. at Sanchez.
Owner Nite Yun with guests (celebrating the Lunar New Year and having nom krouch sesame balls!). Photo: ©