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Aug 3, 2010 1 min read

New Contest: Who's Your Butcher?

New Contest: Who's Your Butcher?
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Hey meaty-lovin’ folks, it’s the last week for contestants to enter Protein University’s WHO’S YOUR BUTCHER? contest. The winner will receive an all-expenses paid, four-day trip to an “all-star” butcher retreat at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, North Carolina, in mid-August. Additionally, the winner will join the crew at Primal this September in the Bay Area, as well as receive online exposure to millions of viewers, and over $2,500 in prizes.

Contestants can enter here—they just need to fill out the submission form, and upload a short video clip of their butchery technique. All videos will be broadcast on ProteinU’s YouTube Channel, and on August 10th, the ProteinU Advisory Board will announce the top 20. The vote then goes to the national audience, when the public will determine the final winner. Deadline for video submissions just extended to August 13th, 2010. Get carvin’!

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