Last Monday I spoke with chef-partner Danny Bowien of ~MISSION CHINESE FOOD~ about the rumor I heard that MCF was opening a location in New York. He said they were still in negotiations and asked me to keep it on the DL, but according to this article in The New York Times yesterday, it’s a done deal. MCF will reportedly be opening in the Rhong-Tiam Garden location (154 Orchard St. at Stanton) in the Lower East Side in the spring.
When Bowien and I spoke last week, he said he was excited to offer a mid-range restaurant for New York, a niche he thinks MCF would fill nicely. The Times piece mentions MCF will continue their charitable focus, donating 75 cents from every food and drink item.
Okay New York, you have our Blue Bottle and now Mission Chinese Food. Whatcha got for us, huh? I think Russ & Daughters would be nice (bagels included). And Xi’an Famous Foods. Come on!
Photo by Blair Sneddon Photography.