A couple of new projects for your consideration. First, opening mid-May at the prime corner of Valencia and 16th Street will be FOODHALL, a 2,500-square-foot indoor market founded by two “passionate foodies” and ex-investment bankers from London, Bilal Mannaa and Yasmin Murtadha.
Scoop’s piece mentions they are taking their inspiration from “the great food halls of Europe” and will stock charcuterie, cheese (selected by British cheese expert Julie Harbutt), coffee, pastries, pantry staples, craft beers, wines selected by Master Sommelier Eric Entrikin, and spirits. Products from local food purveyors will be available, and there will also be prepared foods, recipes, and ingredients to cook at home, classes, and more. So, yeah, it’s going to be a far cry from the Val 16 Latino market that held down that corner for years and was forced out a couple of years ago—I miss seeing the piñatas and overflowing fruit stands on that corner. But one good thing: Eater’s piece mentions, “Any prepared food not sold each day will be donated.” 3100 16th St. at Valencia.
Meanwhile, I’m really happy to hear Bayview is going to be getting a market to replace the Fresh & Easy that closed on Third Street. And not just any market, but SF’s very own DUC LOI MARKET (family-owned since 1987!). DUC LOI’S PANTRY will open in May, and will be a full-service (and affordable) grocery store, with meat, fish, produce, and more, plus household items, beer, wine, and spirits, and a deli serving their banh mi sandwiches. Read Hoodline’s piece about founder Howard Ngo, a refugee who left Vietnam in 1979, for maximum inspiration. Hours will be 8am-8pm. 5900 3rd St. at Carroll Ave.
A look inside the upcoming Foodhall. Photo via Instagram.