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Sep 18, 2012 1 min read

Love Wings? Wanna Enter a Chicken Wing Eating Contest? Bwok!

Love Wings? Wanna Enter a Chicken Wing Eating Contest? Bwok!
Wing Wings. Yelp photo by Genevieve Y.
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Whoa, it’s about to get all wingy-dingy: ~WING WINGS~ is hosting its first-ever Chicken Wing Eating Contest, a fundraiser benefitting Western Addition Beacon Center, which is part of the Buchanan YMCA and administers after-school, summer school, and art programs at John Muir Elementary School.

The event will be at the Lucky 13 Bar (2140 Market Street at Church) on Tuesday October 9th at 6pm. There will be a suggested donation at the door, a raffle, guest emcees and DJs, and, of course, prizes for the winners! Pabst Blue Ribbon is cosponsoring the event and will be offering drink specials.

But for now, they need contestants! There will be two events: a timed event (who can eat the most Angry Korean Wings in 10 minutes; water will be available) and a Hella Hella Hot competition (who can eat 10 Hella Hella Hot Wings the fastest; contestants need to sit at the table for 5 additional minutes after finishing with no food or drink). Contestants must be at least 21 years of age, need to sign a waiver, and also come up with at least $250 in pledged donations. To enter, contestants should email the following information: name, height and weight, eating competition nickname (be creative!), timed or Hella Hella Hot event (choose one), previous eating competition experience, and why do you think you can win(g)? Contestants will be chosen September 24th. Bwok!

Wing Wings. Yelp photo by Genevieve Y.

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