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Apr 10, 2012 1 min read

Café Tidbits (aka Coffee Grounds?)

Café Tidbits (aka Coffee Grounds?)
Four Barrel cappuccino; Yelp photo from Jamie R.
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Are you one of the many fans of the espresso at ~FOUR BARREL COFFEE~? Those lines can be brutal, so you should know you can order a single-origin espresso in the Caledonia alley on the weekends from 9am-5pm.

A while ago, I mentioned some changes at Coco-luxe in the Haight, which was supposed to become Coco-vine and serve coffee, wine from the Markris Wine Group, and chocolate. This report in Upper Casing mentions it’s now going to be called STANZA, but most of the details originally reported in tablehopper appear to be the same. 1673 Haight St. at Cole, 415-367-4012.

Four Barrel cappuccino; Yelp photo from Jamie R.

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