I had a chance to catch up with Brenda Buenviaje of ~BRENDA’S FRENCH SOUL FOOD~ on Polk, and got an exciting update on the expansion of her little shoebox of a restaurant. She said they’re just wrapping things up with the architect, then on to getting all of the permits (they want to do things in phases so they don’t have to shut down during any part of the expansion). Once the permits are issued in a couple of weeks, they will begin remodeling the ex-laundromat next door (which is just a huge gutted space right now) into a new dining room and brand-new kitchen that will be about four times larger. Once the new side is all done, they’ll move into it while they completely overhaul the “old” side. The architect is targeting five months from now, so we shall see! In the meantime, SF Shines, a city-run façade improvement program, will be completely remodeling and updating the façade—Brenda’s won a grant to do so. How cool is that?
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