Last night a tweet announced the unexpected closure of THE CORNER in the Mission. A source tells me The Corner was not up to health code inspection (they didn’t have a proper hood for ventilation). Since it would have been very costly to bring the place up to code, the rumor is they will put it on the market or turn it back into a café. Meanwhile, some of the pop-up dinners (like EAT restaurant) have already relocated to WINEMAKERS’ SPEAKEASY on Valencia. 2199 Mission St. at 18th St., 415-875-9258.
One more closure: Inside Scoop reports JOHN CAMPBELL’S IRISH BAKERY has closed its Cow Hollow location (3101 Fillmore St. at Filbert), and the Potrero location (300 De Haro St. at 16th St.) is currently on the market; the location at 5625 Geary Blvd. at 20th Ave. remains open.
Photo from The Corner.