I know, at first glance, I was like, huh? A 99-cent store and the OASIS CAFE? It ends up that the businesses are next door to each other, almost like a Taco Bell/KFC combo space, but instead of getting an enchirito and a bucket of wings, you can get some aluminum foil and a coffee. Owner Taddesse Haile is from Ethiopia, and quite a lover of coffee. He’s going to be offering what I think is a first in town: ten different kinds of individual drip coffee. There will be sandwiches, juices, and other affordable eats (hours will be 6am-11pm daily). Also in the works: beer and wine, but being budget-minded and all, he said his prices will be like happy hour all day. He expects to open around March 15th. 901 Divisadero St. at McAllister, 415-474-4900.

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